Re: Re: 2010 Ride Alpha MVMNT Bindings

Forums Bindings Reviews 2010 Ride Alpha MVMNT Bindings Re: Re: 2010 Ride Alpha MVMNT Bindings

Travis Hightower
    This is an update to this review, since I am now riding these every day.More pros! These things respond 100x better than I thought they would. Its a completely different feel than any other binding I've everridden. Other than the pressure of the heel strap, you cant feel thebindings. They twist and flex just enough so when you're poweringdown the mountain you cant feel the side to side restraint of thebindings themselves.Cons 🙁  : The heel strap (or hell strap because it hurts) doesnt have enough of a cutout in the middle to comfortably go over my boots. So to get that secure feeling in the bottom of my heel I have to ratchet them extra tight, which hurts the top of my foot. I haven't found an adjustment to help with this yet.2nd, the ratchets get clogged and stuck…alot. Sometimes you have to fight them really hard to get them off, but I found the trick