Re: Re: Snowboarding and ACL Injuries

Forums Advice Q&A Switching to snowboard Re: Re: Snowboarding and ACL Injuries

    Well, I know they have gotten much better at ACL repairs in the last few years.  I got mine done (hamstring graft method) over 12 years ago and it has been holding up remarkably well!Do you feel any slipping in the knee?  I actually went for a couple years without an ACL and it was really sketchy.  Sometimes it would hold strong, and other times it would buckle from the simplest movements, usually sudden twisting.TO the defense of snowboarding, ACL injuries are less common than in other sports like skiing, football and basketball.  My knee initially blew out while playing basketball, but only a few weeks after slightly injuring it while snowboarding.  I was getting off a lift and a buddy jokingly pushed me over.  With one foot only strapped in my body