Re: Re: How are boots supposed to feel?

Forums ChitChat How are boots supposed to feel? Re: Re: How are boots supposed to feel?

    Sometmes my boots squeek, lol it is annoying.  Tip: Try putting some baby powder in them to prevent that.  Your boots should be comfortable, Dude.Well, the less heal lift the better.  But this is not a perfect world and you aren't always going to have zero heel-lift.  Sometimes though, the answer to minimizing heel-lift is NOT cranking down the laces to make them tighter.  Sure, you want a good snug fit around your foot, ankle and lower leg; but over-tightening can lead to an assortment of problems — especially with the new Boa systems, it is more challenging now to get a feel for how much is enough:Problems from lacing too tight:PainCold feetNumbnessFatigueRemember that the reason you are lacing tightly is to improve fit and performance.  There are other things you can do to improve fit and performance of your snowboard boot that does not involve simp