Re: Re: Speed vs Guts???

Forums Advice Q&A Speed vs Guts??? Re: Re: Speed vs Guts???

Travis Hightower
    when you're first starting out it seems like you're going alot faster than you actually are. it canbe quite intimidating really, and if you're on the east coast, seeing as your florida boy, youassociate falling with extreme pain (thanks ice!).The speed is something you get used to over time. When  you first start out with freeriding,which is kind of what you're doing now, just riding, you'll still have to think before initiatingcertain moves. The “slowing down” is probably your instinct saying that you're not readyto just rip around the next bend and you need more practice. A quick way to get over speedis to just go ahead and get that extreme fall you're afraid of out of the way, in a controlledenvironment. Catch an edge on your terms and you'll find that falling fast or slow is prettymuch the same pain, other than a cartwh