Re: Re: YABPQ (Yet another Board Purchase Question)

Forums Purchasing Boards and Bindings YABPQ (Yet another Board Purchase Question) Re: Re: YABPQ (Yet another Board Purchase Question)


    …Under $300 for a nice board like you need is not too hard to do if you order online.  The_House has some awesome deals.  Here are a couple recommendations:$209.95 Nitro Revolt Midwide Snowboard 162$249.95 Flow Mainframe Snowboard 162$329.95 Ride Decade Snowboard 160 (I know over $300 but awesome board that will LAST)

    Thanks for the hits.  I'll check out these boards.  I wonder if going over $300 is worth it – I'm willing to if the return on the investment is worth it – better quality vs. just more marketing hype and “features” you don't really need.  Any thoughts on that?Thanks again for the response!